February 2019

Liaison Call 2/7/19 Minutes

Liaisons on the Call:   Rob Gregson, Clara Jenkins, Joe Houle (Lincroft), Georgianna Hart (Montclair), Sally Gellert (Paramus), Liandra Pires (Englewood), Jamie Evanini (Washington Crossing), Kristen Peck (Beacon/Summit), Eileen Bird (Princeton)

Welcome and Introductions (7:00 – 7:05pm): Rev. Rob Gregson

Website Presentation (7:05 – 7:20pm):  Joe Houle recapped a presentation he presented to his congregation (UU Congregation of Monmouth County) which reviewed UUCMC’s website, UUA’s website and UU FaithAction’s website.  He suggested that a liaison from each congregation present something similar to their home congregation. Each individual congregational website should have a blurb or, at minimum, a UU FaithAction NJ logo linking the user to the UUFANJ website.  A copy is attached to the email.

Kristen Peck Presentation (7:20 – 7:40pm): Dr. Peck spoke about the Immigrant Trust Directive issued by AG Grewal, the first Sikh Attorney General in the United States.  Basically, beginning March 15, police cannot stop nor detain an individual based on perceived immigration status; police cannot ask about a person’s immigration status unless necessary; cannot attack credibility of an individual based on immigration status; cannot participate in civil operations of ICE.  

Questions remain regarding training and monitoring of the police.  There also is the question of what will happen if the police decide to defy this Directive.

UU FaithAction NJ Update (7:40 – 8:00pm):  Rob Gregson mentioned the recent success of the two Justice Policy Update Conferences held ⅔ and 2/10.  

Driver License initiative appears to be being held hostage to political efforts and has become a “wedge” issue.  There are efforts to demonize immigrants and therefore any group or individual that supports the DL Initiative.

There has been some success with the $15 minimum wage.  By 2024, the minimum wage in NJ will be a required $15 per hour, although wage earners/farm workers and tip workers will have to wait until 2029.

Affiliation Agreements will be sent to each liaison to read and review.  We welcome feedback.

The next Liaison call is March 7 at 7pm.