April 2018

Liaison Call 04/05/18 Minutes

Liaisons on the Call:   Toby Tyler (Morristown), Eileen Bird (Princeton), Diane Finn (Montclair), Sally from Paramus, Debra from Newton, Kristen Peck, Dave Reskoff.

Liaison updates: Morristown May 17th Program about human trafficking

Princeton: April 8th Marijuana Legalization Speaker

Selling UU FaithAction T-shirts at coffee hour. If you would like to sell T-shirts at your congregations please email us at admin@uufaithaction.org.

Montclair Update:

  1. Had a Marijuana Legalization panel on March 20th with Blue Wave. Rob was the moderator. Letter from the Coalition for Marijuana Legalization Reform for NJ legislators

7:16 pm  Paramus Update:

  1. April 18th Social Action Film and Discussion : The Reluctant Radical
  2. Talking about Racism program for youth in May

7:19 pm  Newton Updates:

  1. Working on undocumented and DACA issues
  2. Planning a Marijuana Legalization discussion to target delegates to write letters

7:22 pm  April Plenary is around the corner

When: Sat. April 21 11 to 4:30

Where: The Unitarian Society (E. Brunswick)

SPECIAL LIAISON BREAKFAST 10-11 a.m. with Rev. Rob, Board members and fellow liaisons to discuss new delegate and reporting approach (to encourage better congregational “buy in” on final issues chosen), best practices and postcard campaigns.PLEASE RSVP to admin@uufaithaction.org by April 9 so we can plan for food!

7:28 pm  Toby Tyler and the Newsletter


  • Toby Tyler is working on a monthly newsletter following our successes, what’s going on with and what’s coming up from UU FaithAction.

7:30 pm Economic Justice

Lots happening in Trenton around Pay Equity for Women and Earned Sick Leave (and Minimum Wage coming up)

EJTF has its first “issues” meeting via Zoom conference call with new Task Force chair, Jerry Fried (Montclair) and NJ legislative head of NJ Citizen’s Action, Dena Mattola Jaborska, TOMORROW, Fri. April 6 12:30-1:15 p.m.  Here is the link to get on the videoconference: https://zoom.us/j/3422164493

For folks who have never used Zoom before and would like to know how to use the system, look at this:


Or call in on a phone: iPhone one-tap : +16699006833,334652499#

Or Telephone:+1 669 900 6833  or +1 646 558 8656

   Meeting ID: 334 652 499

7:33 pm  Immigration

Campaign to expand driver’s licenses to include many without standard documentation

Two bills, one in the Assembly, A1738, the New Jersey Safe and Responsible Driver Act.  Senate bill will take the lead. Message for now: Please support upcoming legislation. Table and ask your congregation to sign the petition being circulated (sent today as an Action Alert, link here to see the petition)

Also next Wednesday, April 11, from 9:30 to 10:30 am in Somerville, advocates meeting with Assemblyman Roy Freiman at his office at 50 Division St., Somerville.  If any of you know Assemblyman Freiman, or if you are ready to join a small group to meet with him let me know and I will pass your name to Dina Mansour of NJAIJ

State Sanctuary Challenge recognition ceremony at Plenary

Is your congregation one of those being presented with our frameable certificate letting members (and visitors!) know you have acted together to support immigrants and undocumented people?  Do you know if the be there to receive the award? Can you get the word out after plenary to alert others in your congregation of your work for immigrants/work towards your own State Sanctuary Challenge certificate?

7:36 pm Reproductive Justice:

Rob and Carol Loscalzo (TF chair) arranging meeting with Asw. Pamela Lampitt, prime sponsor in the Assembly for UU FaithAction signature bill, Address Confidentiality for Reproductive Health Care Clinic Workers (

7:40 pm Al Swatsy from Englwood and Kristen Peck from Beacon join call

7:45 pm Gun violence prevention:

Passed the House Assembly and soon to be scheduled for Senate vote

  • * A1016 (Johnson / Vainieri Huttle / Eustace / Wimberly) – Establishes commission to approve personalized handguns; requires firearm retailers to sell personalized handguns.
  •     * A1181 (Jones / Mosquera / Sumter / Downey / Barclay) – Requires firearms seizure when mental health professional determines patient poses threat of harm to self or others.
  •     * A1217 (McKeon) – Authorizes gun violence restraining orders and firearm seizure warrants.
  •     * A2757 (Greenwald / Holley) – Requires background check for private gun sales.
  •     * A2758 (Greenwald) – Codifies regulations defining justifiable need to carry handgun.
  •     * A2759 (Greenwald / Murphy) – Prohibits possession of ammunition capable of penetrating body armor.
  •     * A2761 (Greenwald) – Reduces maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds; exempts firearms with .22 caliber tubular magazines from 10 round limitation.

7:50 pm Criminal Justice Reform:

Solitary Confinement bill kick off 2/25: Still waiting for Intro to Assembly

Voting rights for prisoners/probationers/parolees)

8:03 pm Postcards for GVP to send to representatives and Governor Murphy

8:09 pm Assembly Legislative Hearings coming up


  • New Jersey Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee Hearing: Central Jersey Saturday, April 14, Middlesex County College, Edison, 10:00 am
  • New Jersey Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee Hearing: South Jersey Saturday, April 21, Rowan University, Glassboro, 10:00 am
  • New Jersey Legislative Black Caucus Hearing: Atlantic City Tuesday, April 24, 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. Second Baptist Church 110 Rev. Dr. Isaac Cole Plaza Atlantic City, NJ 08401
  • New Jersey Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee Hearing: North Jersey Saturday, May 12, Bergen Community College, Paramus, 10:00 am

Marijuana/Cannabis Reform: Multiple panels: (Englewood Feb., Montclair March, UU Princeton April 8 12:30 p.m.

New website with special password protected Liaisons page (Password: UuFaLiaison) https://uufaithaction.org/congregational-liaisons/

Website walk-through video introduction especially for UU FaithAction leadership:

Topic: Website Walkthrough

Date: Feb 27, 2018 11:47 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Click here to download or view your recording:


Recording-1 (334 MB):


Audio Only-1 (27 MB): https://zoom.us/recording/play/0CvrBQAS0epMhzIDHLYrkUK_qXQEE1aS2cT1-QVAGtQTI7yTHDssigargY04gkf0