November 2018

Liaison Call 11/1/18 Minutes

Liaisons on the Call:   Rob Gregson (ED), Clara Jenkins (Asst. to the ED/Outreach Coordinator), Eileen Bird (Princeton), Rev. Alison Miller (Morristown), Joe Houle (Lincroft), Georgianna Hart (Montclair), Liandra Pires (Palisades), Peggy Middaugh (Ocean County), Kristen Peck (Beacon)

Welcome and Introductions (7:00 – 7:05pm): Clara Jenkins for Rob Gregson

Information Given to Liaisons (7:05 – 7:30pm):

  • Development Chair is now Marty Rothfelder (Beacon)
  • Brief recap of this year’s Fall Issues Conference.  Energetic, informative and stimulating. Not as well-attended as in the past, but attendees agreed it was, in the words of one, “the best conference ever.”
  • Red Hot Minute was received by everyone.  It is hoped it will be printed and placed on a bulletin board/central location within their congregations.
  • The Board has revised the Congregation Affiliation Document, which is a formal agreement between each congregation and UU FaithAction.  Once finalized, it will be presented to each of the congregations to be signed.
  • Rob held a “Filling you Justice Tolbelt” workshop to promote social justice advocacy.  It was held in Philadelphia on Saturday, November 3rd.
  • UU FaithAction mentioned moving to text from e-blasts.  It was pointed out that emails are much less cumbersome to forward to others, as opposed to a text message.
  • As a reminder, our UU FaithAction Community Calendar is your Community Calendar!  If your congregation is hosting a film, a speaker, a meal, etc that is open to the public, let us know by sending the details to

Liaisons Update (7:30 – 7:40pm):

  • Joe discussed the Virtual Solitary Confinement headsets, which will be tested out soon and Joe will provide us all with feedback.
  • It was asked that liaison call reminders be emailed at least a week prior to the call.
  • Rev Miller suggested that each congregation could include a UU FaithAction update either in a weekly or monthly congregational e-blast or once a month in the Order of Service.  
  • It was suggested that each congregations website should have a brief blurb on UU FaithAction and a hyperlink to the UU FaithAction website.  Clara will research.

November 9 UU FaithAction initiated Rally for Jorge Chajon (7:40 – 8:00pm):

UU FaithAction is leading and directing a rally on Friday, November 9 at 11:30 pm at the Federal Immigration Court located at 970 Broad Street, Newark.  This rally is in support of Jorge Chajon, who is facing what may be his final appeal that day.  We have sent email blasts highlighting this campaign and we hope to see many of you there. You can read more and sign-up at our FB page.  

Dr. Kristen Peck mentioned there will be a vigil following the rally.  Dr. Peck is being called as an expert witness on behalf of the Chajon family and will testify about the psychological and emotional damage incurred in separating a father from his wife and children.  

Press is expected to be there to cover this event.

Next Liaison call December 6, 7pm-8pm