October 2018

Liaison Call 10/1/18 Minutes

Liaisons on the Call:   Rob Gregson (ED), Clara Jenkins (Asst. to the ED/Outreach Coordinator), Eileen Bird (Princeton), Toby Tyler (Morristown), Joe Houle (Lincroft), Jamie Evanini (Washington Crossing), Debra Kaiser (Sussex), Sally Gellert (Paramus)

Welcome and Introductions (7:00 – 7:05pm): Rob Gregson

Liaison updates (7:05 – 7:27pm):

  • Debra Kaiser shared that swastika’s were being painted on public buildings.
  • Joe said Lincroft has a Social Justice Committee that is active.
  • Toby indicated that Morristown has welcomed their 3rd immigrant family, staying with a member of the congregation.  They have successfully launched two families. He mentioned RAMP is increasingly vocal about (anti) marijuana legalization.
  • Jamie said that Washington Crossing has an “Action Table” providing information to their congregants. They also have a gathering every other month to provide emotional support when people take civic action.
  • The perennial question of how to motivate people to join in and take action.  
  • Action Alerts – a question was raised as to the number and frequency of these alerts. Suggested that AA be categorized along our 6 Task Force objectives only.
  • Eileen said their congregation’s first Social Justice meeting was occuring the 2nd week of October.  Once all renovations are complete, they expect to be a sanctuary congregation.

Agenda Items (7:28 – 8:00pm):


  • The Annual Fall Issues Conference, though well attended, fell short of the number of attendees from last year.  Senator Lesniak gave a inspirational keynote address and all Task Forces were able to determine their areas of focus for 2018/19.
  • The lay-preaching workshop, hosted by Rev. Karen Johnston (E Brunswick UU) was also well-attended.  The 2nd part is scheduled for November 10 from 2:30 to 5:30 at The Unitarian Society (E. Brunswick).
  • There was a Liaison Breakfast prior to the Issues Conference, hosted by the UU FaithAction Board.  It was nice seeing many of your faces there!
  • Marty Rothfelder has accepted the position of Chair of the Development Committee.  We are still looking for 3 to 4 Board Members.
  • Rob and several other UU’s, including Ted Fetter, Eileen Bird and Clara Haignere, attended a rally at the State Assembly on Monday, October 29 to support an initiative to allow undocumented immigrants the privilege to hold NJ driver’s licenses.
  • Rob attended the Anti-Poverty Network’s annual Summit on October 26.  Nick Lewis, Board President, was also in attendance.
  • As a reminder, our UU FaithAction Community Calendar is your Community Calendar!  If your congregation is hosting a film, a speaker, a meal, etc that is open to the public, let us know by sending the details to admin@uufaithaction.org


Next Liaison call November 1, 7pm-8pm