September 2018

Liaison Call 09/06/18 Minutes

Liaisons on the Call:   Rob Gregson (ED), Clara Jenkins (Asst. to the ED/Outreach Coordinator), Georgiana Hart (Montclair), Sally Gellert (Paramus), Mark Williams (Plainfield), Joe Houle (Lincroft), Dave Reskoff (Lincroft).

Welcome and Introductions (7:02 – 7:08pm): Rob Gregson

Liaison updates (7:09 – 7:27pm):

  • Sally mentioned area schools with current multicultural/diversity programs are attending a racism workshop hosted by Central Unitarian Church in Paramus on October 15.
  • Sally indicated Hudson County reported a “path to exit” for their ICE contract by 2020.  She also indicated a 5 million dollar infirmary was to be built at the Elizabeth Detention Center.
  • Georgiana mentioned the Montclair congregation held a Social Justice Action overview spearheaded by Johanna Foster and Teresa DeSousa.  The goal is to be more viable, detailed and organized. They will be working in conjunction with the Poor People’s Campaign. Ms. Hart indicated interest was high.
  • Georgiana has been out for a while recovering from an illness.  Good to have her back!
  • Joe and Dave indicated Lincroft had a meeting last evening (9/5/18) regarding Gun Violence Prevention and Criminal Justice Reform in efforts to align their Congregation with the efforts of UUFANJ.  
  • Dave said there was a discussion regarding the Solitary Confinement Bill.  He indicated that there is a planned national prison strike – aware of but not participating in.  He also mentioned upcoming legislation on campaign finance reform.
  • Mark Williams said member of the Plainfield Congregation marched in the 9/6/18 Driver’s License Rally in Trenton.  He said that the march began slowly and by 11 had built up momentum as bus after bus arrived.  The speakers were not audible and spoke primarily in Spanish.
  • Mark also said the Plainfield Congregation is actively working on disseminating mail-in voter information.

Agenda Items (7:28 – 8:04pm):


  • Rob attended a Reproduction Rights Rally in Trenton 9/6/28.  Not widely covered as Gov. Murphy was in East Brunswick at a meeting regarding $15 minimum wage.  Is unclear if residents of NJ realize how close they are to seeing Roe v Wade overturned.   Rob indicated a “pledge of non-support” was being circulated among NJ legislators.


  • As so many handouts and links were attached to the agenda, it was determined to prioritize the information given to the congregants:



  1. “Social Justice” Lay Preaching Workshops.  Part 1: October 20 9-11 (just prior to Issues Conference) and also at the Ridgewood and Lincroft congregations.  Part 2 on Nov 10 at E. Brunswick congregation from 2pm -5:30p.  Attendees must attend both sessions.
  2. Sept. 2018 Immigration Fact Sheet (with thanks to Peggy Hayden, Immigration Reform Task Force V. Chair and Ted Fetter, Chair, for compiling)
  3. Murray Grove Homecoming Weekend Sept. 29-30 with Rob leading a 1-hr. “Advocacy at NJ District Legislative Offices” workshop


  • UUFANJ is currently looking for 4 Board members to replace current and expected vacancies.  Please spread the word!
  • Climate Change Rally this Saturday.  Apparently there are regional marches, not just the one in Morristown. shows all the locations and times of rallies and marches.
  • Rob indicated that Gov Murphy is willing to sign an End-to-Solitary/Isolated Confinement bill but that it will have to be reintroduced and moved out of the various committees to end up on the Governor’s desk.  Tricia Idrobo (Beacon/Summit) is UU FA point person on this issue working through the Criminal Justice TF.
  • 1844 No More: An effort being led by NJ Institute for Social Justice (Newark) to restore voting rights to “returning citizens” – formerly incarcerated individuals.  So although “…In New Jersey, any person who is no longer in prison, on parole, or on probation as a result of a felony conviction can register to vote. See N.J.S.A. 19:4-1. Thus, any ex-felon who has satisfactorily completed the term of his or her sentence can register to vote in New Jersey.” it is apparently a difficult and largely unpublicized process.  The proposal asks for it to be done automatically upon release.
  • Rob brought up the Hayes Prison for Girls and Jamesburg Boys Prison.  There is talk about a rally on October 14 to call for the end to the Hayes Prison for Girls in Bordentown.  Here is a link highlighting the issues.
  • 3 Hours, 3 Saturdays – In an effort to inform residents of every candidate currently on the ballot and to aid them in registering to vote, Montclair is hosting a 3 Hour, 3 Saturdays grassroots effort – volunteers will meet face-to-face with residents and go over the candidates and issues with them in a strictly non-bipartisan effort.  It is critical to not only encourage them to vote, but to educate people on the issues.
  • UUFANJ has a table at this year’s Anti-Poverty Network Summit on October 26 from 8:30 to 3 pm at Rutgers.  There are 4 seats remaining. Please reach out to Rob if interested.
  • UUFANJ is seeking a Chair for the Development Committee.  Does not need to be a UU.  Must have strong financial background.
  • Rob is available to preach one Sunday a month with advance notice to member congregations.
  • Retired professor Mike Wilson (UU Washington Crossing) is offering an adult RE course on “Steps to Strengthen Democracy”.  He is also available to preach on the same theme.  Mike can be contacted at

Reminder: The liaison call for October has been RESCHEDULED for MONDAY October 1, 7:00-8:00 pm.  Please note it on your calendars.