June 2019

Liaison Call 6/6/19 Minutes 

Liaisons on the Call:   Rob Gregson, Clara Jenkins, Joe Houle (Lincroft), Mark Williams (Plainfield), Sally Gellert (Paramus), Nick Mellis (Washington Crossing), Anthony Torres (Paramus), Kathy Allen (Summit), Ted Fetter (Princeton)

Welcome and Introductions (7:00 – 7:05pm): Rev. Rob Gregson

Check-in and Liaison/Congregational Updates (7:05 – 7:40pm)

  • Mark Williams expressed his excitement on being on UU FaithAction’s Board.  Plainfield is getting an Intern for a few months as AnneMarie has gone to Somerset Hills.  They feel hopeful as they balanced their budget and are making plans to notify the Fanwood/Scotch Plains residents of their location.  The food pantry is vibrant, although they struggle with involvement with social justice issues.
  • Nick Mellis said Washington Crossing is on good financial footing and that they are starting a racial justice initiative.  
  • Joe Houle suggested congregations should “job post” for social justice and for UUFA task forces.
  • Sally Gellert announced they have a new called minster, Rev. Andree Mol (they, their).  Paramus is also starting a capital campaign to renovate the 1956 building.
  • Kathy Allen indicated the first Friday in June is GVP Awareness Day and the whole weekend Beacon will recognize the event.  Thus far, 76 New Jerseyians have been murdered with guns.

Legislation Update (7:40 – 7:55pm):

Ted Fetter, Immigration Justice Task Force Chair, indicated the TF continues it’s work with Let’s Drive NJ and that there will be a big push in the fall.  The legal representation fund was increased from 2.1 million by an additional million. This fund is designed to aid immigrant detainees who would otherwise not be able to obtain legal representation.

Beacon and Princeton are currently set up to offer temporary housing for asylum seekers.  Ted indicated that ICE wants these people to be housed and First Friends of NJ/NY are key partners in this movement.  Both Ted and Peggy Hayden, vice chair, are working on a program whereby UU FaithAction can offer training and then take a larger role in the housing initiative.  The TF is also working on accompainiment where UUs can go to the court, ICE hearings or schools, etc with immigrants so they don’t feel so alone.

Finally, the Immigration task force indicated that they will need volunteers to meet greyhound buses carrying undocumented families to NJ.  These travelers often have no water, food, toys, information, etc. Volunteers would meet the buses and hand out information and sustenance.

The Criminal Justice task force is working on a change to the regulation on video visitation.

The Reproductive Justice task force is pushing hard for the passing of the Adress Confidentiality Bill, which is a UU Faithaction initiative.  The final vote is scheduled for June 10 in the Senate. The Women’s Center in Cherry Hill will join the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and the NJ Policy Perspective to advise Gov Murphy on Roe vs Wade.

Kathy Allen is taking over the Gun Violence Prevention task force from Jeannine Clayton-Coyne.  A focus will be on Use of Force in NJ.

The Environmental Justice TF is considering a speaking event on the Green New Deal and carbon dividends.  

  • The next Liaison Call is scheduled for Thursday, September 5th.