March 2019

Liaison Call 3/21/19 Minutes 

Liaisons on the Call:   Rob Gregson, Clara Jenkins, Joe Houle (Lincroft), Mark Williams (Plainfield), Eileen Bird (Princeton), Nick Mellis (Washington Crossing), Kristen Peck (Summit), Susan MacDonnel (Princeton), Al Stawsky (Palisades), Jamie Evanini (Washington Crossing)

Welcome and Introductions (7:00 – 7:05pm): Rev. Rob Gregson

Criminal Justice Task Force Update (7:05 – 7:35pm)

  • Susan said the process is to look at the Issues and draft bills from those issues.  Currently focused on voting rights, legalizing marijuana, ending isolated confinement and the Rule Change at the DOJ.
  • There are behind the scenes negotiations regarding the legalization of marijuana.  Some considerations are where will the tax profits go? To the State, the county, the town?  Will tax be on the dispensing level or the sales level?  
  • The Drug Policy Alliance is happy with the language of current bills, but we are not in terms of the social and racial justice.  There is no language regarding expungement nor a home-grown component.
  • According to the Institute for Social Justice there is no movement on voting rights.
  • Cape May County does video visitation only, which goes against DOJ regulations.  This is lucrative to the facility as no additional staff is required.

Legislation/Task Force Update (7:35 – 7:55pm):

Jamie Evanini said Washington Crossing is working with Immigrant Justice Groups on Universal Representation.  These groups think that the fund needs to be between 15 to 18 million to be considered full-funded. The budget is currently for 2.1 million.  Current level funding shows 0 appropriated for Universal Representation.

Ted Fetter and Paggy Hayden follow the lead of our immigration partners.  Currently NJ does not have a bond fund.

Jeannine Calyton-Coyne is stepping down as the chair of the Gun Violence Prevention task force. Kathy Allen is willing to co-chair.

UU FaithAction Updates (7:35 – 7:55pm):

  • We requested and received a 10k grant to aid our Immigration Task Force.  We will be hiring a summer intern with this money to work on Immigration Justice initiatives.
  • The next Liaison Call is scheduled for Thursday, April 4th.