May 2019

Liaison Call 5/2/19 Minutes 

Liaisons on the Call:   Rob Gregson, Clara Jenkins, Joe Houle (Lincroft), Kathy Allen (Summit), Eileen Bird (Princeton), Nick Mellis (Washington Crossing), Sally Gellert (Paramus), Toby Tyler (Morristown), David Reskof (Lincroft)

Welcome and Introductions (7:00 – 7:05pm): Rev. Rob Gregson

Liaison/Congregational Updates (7:05 – 7:40pm)

  • Kathy Allen mentioned the recent shootings in North Carolina and Pittsburgh.  She also said Florida recently passed a law allowing teachers to be armed. Apparently there is internal strife in the NRA and their tax-exempt status is being challenged.  She is asking that everyone wear orange on June 2, which is GVP Awareness Day.
  • Joe Houle suggested each congregation job post for their social justice committees.  He suggested it be broken down from “little involvement” to “major commitment”.
  • Middletown town council opposes the police directive to separate local police from immigration police.
  • Toby Tyler mentioned Morristown works closely with RAMP on immigration issues.  There is also strong support on the Green Earth Movement.
  • Toby mentioned the Red Hot Minute as Communications Chair.  He encourages all liaisons to read and distribute to increase awareness of UU FaithAction.
  • Sally Gellert said it is ministerial candidate week in Paramus.

Legislation/Task Force Update (7:35 – 7:55pm):

There is discussion around Sponsorship vs Sanctuary for immigrant detainees.  There appears to be a new “underground railroad” and UUs are needed to meet greyhound buses at NJ bus stations.

UU FaithAction Updates (7:35 – 7:55pm):

  • It was suggested that UU FaithAction needs to beef up our website in terms of UU FaithActions history and impact.  It was also suggested that every UU congregation should be listed on our site and we should be prominent on every congregations website.
  • Rob would like to add the Racial Justice toolkit to our website.
  • Clara is expanding the Information and Resources page to include Ted Talks, podcasts, books and other reference material.
  • Website should also contain a UU FA in the News.
  • The next Liaison Call is scheduled for Thursday, June 6th.