UU FaithAction is composed of an all volunteer Board of Trustees that hires and oversees the Executive Director and is ultimately responsible for the strategic and financial health of the organization and staff.
The day-to-day work of UU FaithAction is the purview of the Executive Director and Administrator/Outreach Coordinator, working in close collaboration with Task Force chairs, coalition partners, congregational liaisons, clergy and the Board.
Task Force chairs are responsible for outreach to their Task Force committee members–anyone interested in the specific issue area under that Task Force’s “umbrella.” Task Force chairs are a critical part of our social justice work, as they directly track any legislation that impacts on their issue area (Environmental Justice, Gun Violence Prevention, etc.). Their work typically begins every October at the Fall Issues Conference when they and their group are charged with determining the top 2-3 issues they will focus on in the coming legislative year.
Every Task Force is expected to have a Chair and a Vice Chair, who is meant as the primary support person for the chair besides professional staff.
Every Task Force is also supported by the chair of the Board Task Force Subcommittee who is expected to remain in regular touch with all Task Force chairs and vice chairs, providing input, support, reporting between the larger Board, the Task Forces and the Executive Director. The Task Force subcommittee chair is also expected to help prepare for and conduct the midyear and final Task Force evaluation process and will generally attend the midyear Task Force chairs retreat.