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Unitarian Universalist FaithAction NJ
A UU voice for justice, equity and compassion in NJ
Join us for the 2025 Working Summit — a powerful gathering of state leadership, returning citizens, advocates, families, and incarcerated voices from across New Jersey. Together, we’ll address the pressing issues that continue to affect African American and Latino communities…
We are seeking our next Administrator, to join our collaborative staff team and join our mission to build a more just, compassionate society in New Jersey. Please help us to share this opportunity widely with your networks! Administrator Job Description…
“What I do know, beyond any reasonable doubt, is that we are a sanctuary people. We can make that claim. From the powerful efforts of our elders in the middle of the twentieth century through to our congregations and communities…
Thanks to the ongoing participation and financial support of our 21 members congregations and individual donors, UU FaithAction provides both the advocacy and legislative leadership that both makes a real difference on issues of equality and justice, but also helps us build wider alliances between front-line communities, advocacy groups, legislators and key coalitions across the state. So that our efforts can have the greatest possible impact, UU FaithAction limits its focus to issues critical in New Jersey today. Click here to explore our current priority issues.
Visit our Facebook page to watch the most current videos of UU FaithAction events, panel discussions, local rallies and more, or click below for select highlights.
We warmly invite you to participate in the work of UU FaithAction NJ. There are many opportunities to help us build a beloved community of equality, sustainability, and peace. Sign up for email and text alerts by clicking here.
UU FaithAction NJ is committed to the Black Lives Matter movement and to ending the systematic oppression faced by people of color in our country and the State of New Jersey.
We are people of all ages, people of many backgrounds, and people of many beliefs. Many Unitarian Universalists feel that working for social justice and the elimination of all forms of oppression is an essential part of their spiritual journey. One of UU FaithAction NJ’s goals is to work with, and be a resource for, New Jersey’s UU congregations to strengthen their social justice programs.