Economic Injustice Workshop

The NJ Work Environment Council, hosted by UU FaithAction NJ and it’s Economic Justice Task Force, presents a powerful training opportunity designed to show how the US and NJ have become increasingly economically divided between the “haves” and “have nots.”  We will then learn what it will take to reverse that trend and how to effectively promote economic justice in our communities and across the state.  Ultimately, we will learn how to be more effective at bringing people together to exercise political power.

These are interactive workshops where we share our own experiences. Attending this training with other UUs and our allies will help us learn about each other, about the root problems of the most egregious economic inequalities in American life, and help us be even more effective advocates for economic justice!

No matter how much time we spend learning about what’s going on in the world, sometimes the best thing to do in rough times is to come together. And then determine what we can do to make a difference. Even better if different groups are doing different things but pushing towards the same goals.

Please consider attending this training – and invite an interested friend.  To move forward on our economic justice agenda, we have to do at least two things well: educate ourselves on the history and issues, and train ourselves to help organize others. Let’s put our heads together and work on a campaign with help from people who are doing this effectively nationwide. To register, please go to January 5 on the Community Calendar.