UU FaithAction’s Fall Issues Conference takes place on Saturday Oct. 20 from 10:00 am until 4:00 p.m. Hosted this year by our member congregation, Beacon UU Congregation of Summit in Summit summitbeacon.org, the conference features Senator Raymond Lesniak as our keynote speaker, issues-related break out groups and a working lunch. The Summit congregation is active in antiracism and immigration justice work and we are very pleased to partner together in support of a more just and hopeful New Jersey.
One Garfield is “a group of concerned community members who believe that that there are better ways to improve Garfield than Eminent Domain to our properties”.
The film “tells the true story of Susette Kelo, an EMT worker who took her fight to save her home from eminent domain abuse all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Susette was represented by the Institute for Justice.” [from the Facebook event page]
Introducing our new monthly e-newsletter: The Red Hot Minute. Why “red hot?” Because it provides our supporters with a short, focused overview of the hottest social justice issues facing New Jersey.
We hope you will scan through the article titles and short descriptions, following the links to go deeper on a subject that catches your eye.
The state of NJ branch of the Poor People’s Campaign is preparing for the national launch by inviting anyone interested in learning more, or joining the campaign, to a meeting with the NJ Poor People’s Campaign Coordinating Committee.
Welcome to the new legislative session!
Advocates from across New Jersey have been working with Senate President Sweeney to respond to the ongoing problems created by the termination of the extended Emergency Assistance program for individuals with disabilities. On January 28, the Anti Poverty Network; Steve Leder, Senior Attorney from the Community Health Law Project; and Staci Berger, President and CEO of the Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey, stood with Senate President Sweeney as he announced his proposed legislation to address this issue and provide a permanent housing solution for the state’s most vulnerable residents.
The proposed legislation will be heard in the Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee this Thursday, February 4. We need your help to make sure the bill moves forward:
- Please email and/or call members of the Senate committee. You may email individually or send a message to the entire committee.

Here is a sample message: I’m a voter in New Jersey and I’m calling to urge you to vote in favor of Senate President Sweeney’s Emergency Assistance bill which will ensure that individuals with long-term disabilities are not pushed into homelessness as the result of arbitrary time limits on housing aid. This bill represents an important protection against the devastations of poverty and I hope you will support it. Thank you.
- Come to the committee hearing and show your support for this legislation! The committee meets at 11 am on February 4, in Committee Room 4, First Floor, State House Annex, in Trenton. I will be there to represent the Unitarian Universalist community and hope to see you there.