Repro Justice Task Force Commends Reproductive Healthcare in 2023 Budget

By Jami Thall, Reproductive Justice Task Force Co-Chair,
and Mia Morse, UU FaithAction NJ Board President

As Unitarian Universalists, our faith calls us to advocate on behalf of all those who need ready access to safe, legal abortion care whenever and wherever they need it.  Access to abortion and the right to choose is an issue of gender equality, bodily autonomy, and religious liberty, all of which are long held Unitarian Universalist religious teachings.  We are committed to defending these principles here in NJ and across the country.

Join UUFANJ at the 61st Annual UUA General Assembly!

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Participants worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process.

UU FaithAction NJ staff, volunteers, and supporters will be present at General Assembly this year, in Portland and in the virtual space, and we would love to see you there!

Repro Justice Task Force Supports Murphy’s Abortion Access Proposals

By Jami Thall, Reproductive Justice Task Force Co-Chair

On May 12, 2022, in response to the leaked draft SCOTUS opinion that would essentially overturn Roe v Wade, Governor Murphy introduced a package of proposals designed to strengthen access to abortion care here in NJ.  The proposal includes the following:

Why You Need Toilet Paper & Menstrual Products in your Congregations’s Bathrooms

By Jami Thall, Reproductive Justice Task Force Co-Chair

Toilet paper is a no-brainer, along with hand soap and paper towels.  Accessible personal hygiene is essential as we move through our daily lives.  Period products are also essential, but nowhere near as accessible.  Why not?

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health and Community Crisis

Letter written for NAMI NJ, published with permission.

Remember Hurricane Sandy in NJ, or Katrina in Louisiana in 2005?  Even now with the Pandemic or the war in Ukraine, I always find myself asking during events like these, “what about people with mental health issues, substance use issues, alcoholism?”  Are they getting the care and resources they need?  

Statement from the Reproductive Justice Task Force

The Reproductive Justice Task Force of UU FaithAction NJ remains steadfast in our support of all pregnant persons who seek abortion care.
While we have very strong protections here in NJ thanks to the passage of the Reproductive Freedom of Choice Act in January, there is still much work to be done.  We continue to advocate for access to abortion services for all people in NJ, including our undocumented residents.  We also pledge our support in aid of people who may need to travel to NJ to obtain abortion care no longer available in their home states.
Gun Violence Prevention

Do You Know What ERPO Is?

Written by Leslie Moran, Gun Violence Prevention Task Force Co-Chair

ERPO is an acronym for Extreme Risk Protection Order. If you have never heard of this new (2019) New Jersey law, do not be surprised or feel uninformed. Many New Jerseyans are unaware of ERPO and how it works in NJ to temporarily restrict someone’s access to guns when they are in crisis. Also called Red Flag laws, this type of court order can be effective in helping to prevent firearm suicides and other gun violence tragedies. But such a law cannot be effective if the public is not informed of its existence. The recent shooting in the Brooklyn subway station is an example of a type of situation that might have been prevented by the red flag law that does indeed exist in NY.

Our ‘Garden State’ Welcomes Spring!

The ground is thawing and life returning to our unique UU gardens across New Jersey!

Bringing together neighbors, feeding the local community or local wildlife, supporting pollinators and restoring the earth—our community gardens affirm and promote life.

This month, we celebrate four congregation’s gardens across the state: Wrangle Brook Community Garden (UU Ocean County), Bountiful Harvest Garden (Central Unitarian), Baptistown Pollinator & Grassland Habitat (UU Hunterdon County), and Ben Jones Community Gardens (the HUUB).