#GivingTuesday Spotlight: Reproductive Justice

Dear Friend,

There have been so many challenges this year. From a pandemic that has illuminated cruel societal inequities, to unceasing gun violence, environmental challenges, and systemic racism, our task forces have been hard at work addressing these issues on a legislative level to improve equity for all in our state. But the attack on reproductive freedom witnessed in other states as well as at the federal level is an especially urgent cause of concern for many. Our Reproductive Justice Task Force is focused on advocating for the passage of the Reproductive Freedom Act (S3030/A4848), which will ensure that all New Jerseyans have the right to make their own health decisions on issues of birth control and pregnancy related care, including abortion, as well as removing financial barriers to accessing such care.

Reproductive Justice

Rights are Not Enough — We Must Advance Equity by Removing Barriers to Reproductive Health Care

More than 75 New Jersey based organizations have signed on to a statement declaring their support for the Reproductive Freedom Act urging lawmakers to take action and pass the bill in its entirety before the close of the current legislative session. Introduced in October 2020, the Reproductive Freedom Act (S3030/A4848) is a proactive bill that both ensures the right to abortion in New Jersey and removes barriers to access, especially for our most vulnerable and marginalized populations.

Duck in flight

Justice Takes Flight in the ‘Lame Duck’

The New Jersey legislative cycle is a two-year process. This year is an election year, which means that the current legislative cycle will come to an end in early January. Any pending legislation that is not passed and signed into law within the current cycle must start over from the very beginning in the new legislature.

“Adiós” from Susan

After 8 years, it’s adiós from me to all of you faithful UUs

Susan MacDonnell headshot
Susan MacDonnell, who for six years chaired or co-chaired the UUFANJ Criminal Justice Reform Task Force

While I am excited for my new life adventure to begin in San Miguel de Allende, and to see what it will be like to more purposefully create my own old-age “story,” there are many people and many qualities about my interactions with so many of you that I will deeply miss.

UU FaithAction NJ 2021 Annual Meeting

2021 Annual Meeting

The recording of our 2021 Annual Meeting is now available on our new YouTube channel! Watch and share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

UU FaithAction NJ 2021 Annual Meeting reports are also available for download: