Major Rally to Support Driver’s Licenses/Push Back Against ICE Immigration Regime

Sept. Rally Save the Date – Thurs. Sept. 6th 2018

UU FaithAction, along with many of our immigration rights allies, faith and human rights groups, will come together at 12 noon on Thurs., Sept. 6 in front of the Statehouse in Trenton to protest the continuing harsh “crackdown” on undocumented immigrants in NJ and across the US.

One important protection we can offer here in NJ is legislating a legal process (as they have already done in California, D.C. and elsewhere) for people with limited documentation to prove who they are, take the driver’s exam, purchase insurance and get back out on our roads safely and LEGALLY.

With a valid license, residents with an otherwise unblemished (or very minor) record can’t be detained and deported–simply because of a routine traffic stop.

We hope many of you will join us on Thursday, Sept. 6th at 12 noon at the NJ Statehouse.  Buses will be leaving from various locations across the state to help make transportation there and back easier–more information on that will be forthcoming.

UULMNJ Fall Issues Conference: Register Today!

Registration is now OPEN for the Oct. 14 Fall Issues Conference–only 3 weeks away!


The Legislative Ministry’s Fall Issues Conference takes place on Saturday Oct. 14 from 12 noon until 6 p.m.  Hosted this year by our member congregation, the UU Congregation of Monmouth County in Lincroft, the conference features a keynote speaker, issues-related break out groups and a working lunch.  The Lincroft congregation is active in antiracism and immigration justice work and we are very pleased to partner together in support of a more just and hopeful New Jersey.

For those new to UULMNJ, the Fall Issues Conference is the premier opportunity for UUs from across the Garden State to learn, discuss, and become involved in the most pressing social justice concerns facing our state.  It is the time each year when our six volunteer Task Forces (listed below) decide on their advocacy, education and legislative priorities for the coming year.  We work on a collaborative model, so make sure to come help shape the UULMNJ agenda and the outcome of long-term policy and culture change in our home state.

We are very pleased to welcome our 2017 keynote speaker, Johanna Calle.  Johanna is Program Director of our partner organization, the NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice, one of the most effective and vocal immigrant rights groups active in the state today

Ms. Calle will be joined by Rita Dentino, Executive Director of the Monmouth County immigrant rights organization, Casa Freehold and a partner with the UU Congregation of Monmouth County.  Johanna and Rita will bring us up to date on the increasingly punitive Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detentions and deportations and what we can do to mitigate harm and call out for justice on the public stage. Johanna and Rita expect to be joined by a NJ undocumented resident or family member willing to speak out about current conditions in our state.

Ted Fetter, long time Immigration Reform Task Force chair, will give an update on our State Sanctuary Challenge initiative–our 6 month-long effort to involve all 21 UULMNJ member congregations in advocating for sensible and human immigration reform locally, and against the mass criminalization of undocumented people.

Additional speakers during the break-out groups include Lena Smith from Food and Water Watch, Dr. Dione Johnson, CEO of JARC: Juvenile and Adult Re-Entry Connections, and Andrea Long, long-time reproductive rights activist and clinic escort.

As if that were not enough, there will be six break out groups during the working lunch to cover the issues we advocate for in Trenton and our member congregations: Environmental, Criminal, Reproductive, Economic and Immigrant Justice and Gun Violence Prevention.

Come also for the official launch of the NEW NAME, mission and vision statements, and special presentation of the logo and website design. Thanks to a generous donation, we are retooling to better serve justice-making, congregational liveliness, and “soul growth” in 2018 and beyond.

Finally, we sure to add your name and concerns/hopes/dreams to an interactive art installation, “Wall of Anger/Wall of Hope” over the course of the conference.

Questions/concerns?  Please email the UULMNJ office at  We will make every effort to accommodate accessibility/special needs but it is very, very helpful to know in advance, so please do reach out.

Be sure to join us, 12 to 6 p.m. for a day devoted to justice-making and spirit-reviving.  See you there!


We will make every effort to accommodate accessibility/special needs but it is very, very helpful to know in advance, so please do reach out.

Be sure to join us, 12 to 6 p.m. for a day devoted to justice-making and spirit-reviving.  See you there!